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The Pink Annabelle: The True Story Of The Most Haunted Doll In The World

The Pink Annabelle: The True Story of the Most Haunted Doll in the World

The Annabelle doll is one of the most famous haunted dolls in the world. It has been featured in several movies, including "The Conjuring" and "Annabelle." But what is the true story of the Pink Annabelle?

The story begins in 1970, when a 28-year-old nurse named Donna received the doll as a gift from her mother. Donna and her roommate, Angie, were both fans of Raggedy Ann dolls, so they were excited to add Annabelle to their collection.

At first, everything was fine. But then, strange things started to happen. Donna and Angie would come home to find Annabelle in different positions than they had left her. The doll's eyes would also seem to follow them around the room.

One day, Donna and Angie came home to find Annabelle sitting upright on the bed. There was a red stain on her dress, and it looked like she had been crying. Donna and Angie were both scared, and they decided to call a medium.

The medium told Donna and Angie that Annabelle was possessed by the spirit of a young girl named Annabelle Higgins. Annabelle Higgins had died in the apartment complex where Donna and Angie lived, and she was now using the doll to communicate with the living.

Donna and Angie were understandably freaked out, but they didn't know what to do. They didn't want to get rid of Annabelle, because they felt sorry for her. So, they decided to call Ed and Lorraine Warren, two well-known paranormal investigators.

Ed and Lorraine Warren agreed to take Annabelle away. They brought her to their museum in Connecticut, where they placed her in a special glass case. They also blessed the doll, in an attempt to keep her spirit at bay.

The Annabelle doll has been in the Warrens' museum ever since. There have been no reports of any supernatural activity since she was taken away, but many people still believe that she is haunted.

So, is the Pink Annabelle really haunted? There is no way to know for sure. But the story of Annabelle is certainly one of the most fascinating and disturbing in the world of the paranormal.

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The story of the Pink Annabelle is a complex one, with many different accounts of what happened. However, there are some key details that seem to be consistent across all of the stories.

First, it is clear that Donna and Angie experienced some very strange things while Annabelle was in their apartment. The doll would move around on its own, its eyes would follow people around the room, and there was even a red stain on its dress that looked like blood.

Second, the medium who was called to investigate the doll told Donna and Angie that Annabelle was possessed by the spirit of a young girl named Annabelle Higgins. Annabelle Higgins had died in the apartment complex where Donna and Angie lived, and she was now using the doll to communicate with the living.

Third, Ed and Lorraine Warren, two well-known paranormal investigators, agreed to take Annabelle away. They brought her to their museum in Connecticut, where they placed her in a special glass case. They also blessed the doll, in an attempt to keep her spirit at bay.

Since Annabelle was taken away by the Warrens, there have been no reports of any supernatural activity. However, many people still believe that she is haunted.


The story of the Pink Annabelle is a fascinating and disturbing one. It is a story of possession, of death, and of the power of the paranormal. Whether or not you believe that Annabelle is actually haunted, there is no doubt that her story is one that will stay with you long after you have read it.

The Pink Annabelle doll is a mysterious and haunted doll that has been the subject of much speculation and fear. Some believe that the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, while others believe that it is simply a product of the imagination.

If you are interested in learning more about the Pink Annabelle doll, I suggest you visit . This website contains a wealth of information about the doll, including its history, its alleged hauntings, and its current location.

FAQ of pink annabelle

Q: What is Pink Annabelle?

A: Pink Annabelle is a type of hydrangea that is known for its large, pink blooms. It is a popular choice for gardens and landscaping because it is easy to care for and blooms profusely.

Q: Is Pink Annabelle haunted?

A: There is no evidence to suggest that Pink Annabelle is haunted. The name "Pink Annabelle" is simply a reference to the color of the flowers.

Q: What are some of the benefits of planting Pink Annabelle?

A: Pink Annabelle is a low-maintenance plant that is drought-tolerant and deer-resistant. It is also a pollinator magnet, attracting butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.

Q: How do I care for Pink Annabelle?

A: Pink Annabelle is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. Water it regularly, especially during the summer months. Fertilize it in the spring and fall.

Q: What are some common problems with Pink Annabelle?

A: The most common problems with Pink Annabelle are powdery mildew, aphids, and spider mites. Powdery mildew can be treated with a fungicide. Aphids and spider mites can be controlled with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Image of pink annabelle

5 different images of "pink annabelle" from Pinterest:

  1. Pink Annabelle doll with a blue ribbon. This doll has long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a pink dress with a blue ribbon. She is sitting on a white chair with a pink heart-shaped pillow. Image of Pink Annabelle doll with blue ribbon
  2. Pink Annabelle doll with a teddy bear. This doll is holding a pink teddy bear. She is wearing a pink dress with a white collar and a pink bow in her hair. Image of Pink Annabelle doll with teddy bear
  3. Pink Annabelle doll with a flower crown. This doll has a pink flower crown on her head. She is wearing a pink dress with a white lace trim. Image of Pink Annabelle doll with flower crown
  4. Pink Annabelle doll with a heart necklace. This doll is wearing a pink heart necklace. She is wearing a pink dress with a white lace trim and a pink bow in her hair. Image of Pink Annabelle doll with heart necklace
  5. Pink Annabelle doll with a cupcake. This doll is holding a pink cupcake. She is wearing a pink dress with a white lace trim and a pink bow in her hair. Image of Pink Annabelle doll with cupcake

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